pistachio ice cream



makes 4 servings | active time: 30 minutes | full time: 12 hours




  • 1 can (12oz) of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup (175g) of 

    OG pistachio spread

  • 2 cups (480g) heaving whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp (5g) vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt (2g)
  • handful roasted unsalted pistachios, chopped 





  • in a large bowl, add the condensed milk, pistachio spread, and salt, and mix until combined. set aside.

  • in a chilled bowl, whip the cream and vanilla extract on high until medium peaks form. gently fold in the whipped cream to the pistachio mixture.

  • add half the ice cream to a deep pan, then drizzle with more pistachio spread and chopped pistachios. add the rest of the ice cream to the pan and top with more pistachio spread.

  • press plastic wrap into the ice cream so no air can get in. freeze overnight and enjoy pistachio ice cream the next day!




recipe development by @sugarcubekitchen